English Medium School Benefits

Monday 11 May 2015

Computer Training in Schools at Soro

The use of electronic devices have dramatically changed our lives. Computers became popular by 1995 and by 2005 every school wanted to train their child on computer.
Computer education makes lot of benefits to the life of a child. Imagine computer as a bike. The work that you were doing slowly can be done faster.

Many private schools adopted computers training to their students. But it has both positive and negative sides. Schools and parents needs to be very careful while giving computer training to their children.

At very early stage computer as an electronic device is dangerous for kids. It can reduce some of the sensory development of your child. So donot give mobile phones or computers before at least 7 yrs of age.

Computers like TVs engage students for long time in making them idle. It sometimes hinders in thinking process and reduces the inquisitive mind and reduces physical development.

Computers with internet connections may pop up unwanted content also. Its more important your child learns everything and then you give him a computer to utilize for his development.

First the child has to learn balance to work, run and develop muscle for doing all these and then he should be given a bike or cycle.

Use computers like that. Ask him to be a master of computer and utilize for his work.
Some schools do it very badly. They ask their child to learn and write the essays about computer parts and full forms of CPU etc. then they ask child to work on programs like MSW logo which are useless.

What is required is a child should understand what a computer is for, What work it can do for us and how we can use it. So that if he wants to play he can play on the computer or if he wants to watch a video he can download form net and watch or at a later stage can develop programs to do his work.

A constructive use of computer is highly essential otherwise schools can befool you in the name of computer.

Ask the schools what and how they teach computers?
How this computer education is beneficial to their child?
See to the real development of the child in computer....

Fortune Kidz school soro uses computer like the following...
1. Visual ads like animated rhymes and animated shows (solar System, Human Body) are shown by computers of TV
2. When the child is in UKG they are asked to know switching on off and different parts of the computers and their function
3. When the child is in Class one they are asked to operate to open picture file, video file, disk and location of computer, memory. input out put device and different uses
4. By class one students have hand on experience and online tests are also taken though interactive software developed by educational sites.

This is a structured way that fortune Junior English medium school trains students through computers.
In Soro fortune school is the only school who have a structured computer education program developed for their students.

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