English Medium School Benefits

Tuesday 22 December 2015

School Admission Time & Decision

One of the most important decisions that as a parent can take for his child is its education related decision.
I prioritize in the following ways
1. Health
2. Education
3. Investment
You will agree to me that the best you can give to your child is educate him well so that he can do all remaining things on his own.
But while making decision about how should we educate him we think in our own mindset. I have written few things to take care while you are deciding about your child's education. Because Years once lost and wrong learning can never be rectified.

1. Try to find the school who cares the child most. The child should feel safe and love. Then only he will grow and express himself.
2. Find a school which takes care in totality like both physical education, developmental education emotional education activities and culture with teaching.
3. Find a school where less number of students are there in each section/class so that your child should not feel neglected.

Fortune School Soro Balasore Odisha

4. Find a school who can have a modern culture because your child will live a life of future. He should not behave like old among his own friends.
5. Find a school which uses Hindi and English as a medium of communication. Your child has to go higher education and its all English.
6. Find a school which gives more extra curricular activity or for early age find a play or Montessori school.
7. Never be trapped by agents who will come to you regularly and convince. No good company or school will go to your home. they will work on their students.
8. Never take your child to your friend's school. Your child needs education. Give him good school. Your friendship is not his destiny. Your friend will make money. Your child will suffer. By that time neither your friend will be there nor a chance to study once again.
9. CBSE/ICSE/BOARD have no impact on education. Do not get motivated by hearing the names like CBSE or CAMBRIDGE etc. You will be fooled. All boards are similar and like approval agencies. NOC has no impact on quality of education. These are legal things that the school will do. If they do not do they will be held by Law and no impact on students will be there.
10. If you are already in a school, see how your child is developing. If you believe he can develop better elsewhere then change. Else do not frequently change school for money and offer. The child will have adverse impact.

If you are in SORO Balasore odisha you can see Fortune School at Kamanpur which is one of the best schools in Balasore district and in soro its one of the schools which is doing the good job of teaching and providing the best quality education even in a rural area which is available in metros at a very low price.

Take good decision. Your child's future is in your hands.